

Tarnadmund can be accessed through the Ooty Gudalur road through a diversion to the Glenmorgan region. Just before the Glenmorgan estate, a diversion takes us straight to Taranadmund village and the wetland which lies about fifty metres from the village.

The Taranadmund wetland would lie under the definition of a classic wetland with a complex shola grassland relationship interspersed by the spring factor and biotic interferences that typify a typical wetland. The traditional users of the wetland were the Todas. However, with the opening up of these remote regions, access of these places have now shifted to outsiders who have been able to manipulate these pristine zones for commercial reasons. In Taranadmund, some outsiders have leased the land from the todas and work on intensive agriculture. This has affected the overall functioning of the wetland in terms of its outflow and other factors.


The wetland originates from a spring and is spread over a large plain area, wherein it is joined periodically by other inflows from the nearby shola. By the time, the wetland travels six hundred metres; it becomes typically a water rich wetland. However, near the lower end of its course, the water is diverted as already mentioned. Besides agriculture, there is a eucalyptus oil distillation unit which consumes wetland water.

Biological and Botanical conditionBird life is profuse and we were able to observe shrink, myna, crow, spotted dove, nilgiri laughing thrush, yellow breasted wagtail, pond heron. The Shola patches were a source of water to the wetland. The shola trees were found in the upland part of the wetland. Wattle trees were found surrounding the shola patch. The marshy areas of the wetland were dominated by Grass (buffalo grass) and Herbs like, Centella, Oxalis, Polygonum, Commelinia, Arum lily, Hydrocotyle and Plantago. Viola was found under the shades of the shola trees.  Rumex was seen on the earthen bunds near the agriculture belt. Juncus glucans was seen in the down course of the wetland. Shrubs like Cestrum, Osbeckia, Eupatorium, Canna, Euphorbia rothiana, Rubus, Ageratum were seen in the dry part of the wetland

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